Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AbstractMessageDestination_tSee MessageDestination_t < class MESSAGE_TYPE >
AbstractMessageReceiver_tSee MessageReceiver_t < class TASK_TYPE, class MESSAGE_TYPE >
App_tApplication base class
Array_t< T >Template dynamic sized circular array of T
BTree_t< T, K >Template binary tree class
BTreeNode_t< T, K >Template binary tree element base class
Buffer_tGeneric buffer of bytes which resizes itself when needed
BufferedFile_tBuffered file implementation
BufferIOStream_tI/O stream which reads from or writes to a Buffer_t object
Button_tButton object, which can present a text label or an image
CallLogger_tClass which logs calls into, status in, and results returned by a set of functions
Circle_tStruct representing a circle in a 2 dimensional coordinate space
Color_tColor object (red, green, blue, alpha)
DateTime_tStructure to encapsulate time information broken down into components (year, month, etc)
DebugSymbolInfo_tClass to obtain debug symbol information for a given address
Directory_tClass to read the contents of a directory
Drawable_tDrawable object, which can be the target of drawing operations
Ellipse_tClass representing an ellipse in a 2 dimensional coordinate space
Event_tEvent class that avoids trips into the kernel when the event has been set previously
File_tFile implementation
FileOpenCompleteMessage_tMessage class used to send notification when an asynchronous open has completed
FileReadCompleteMessage_tMessage class used to send notification when an asynchronous read has more data available
FileWriteCompleteMessage_tMessage class used to send notification when an asynchronous write has at least partially completed
Font_tFont object
GUIPoolAllocator_tPool allocator for use only from the GUI thread to minimize memory fragmentation
IdleMessageLoop_tMessage loop for servicing idle tasks
IdleTask_tBase class for background tasks which should be done when the application is idle
InputStream_tGeneric input stream interface
LayoutView_tView object, which manages the display of a rectangular area in a window
LinkedList_t< T >Template linked list class. The template type T must inherit from LinkedListNode_t < class T >
LinkedListNode_t< T >Template linked list element base class
List_t< T >Template list class, implemented as a circular array of pointers to T
Menu_tMenu object, which represents a menu
MenuBreak_tMenu break object
MenuItem_tMenu item object
MenuMerge_tObject representing a window menu merge point into the application menu
MenuNode_tMenu node object, which represents a part of a menu (subitem, submenu, break line, etc.)
Message_tMessage base class
MessageDestination_t< MESSAGE_TYPE >Template representing a destination to which a message should be sent
MessageLoop_tMessage loop class
MessageReceiver_t< TASK_TYPE, MESSAGE_TYPE >Template message receiver class
MessageTypeReceiver_t< MESSAGE_TYPE >See MessageReceiver_t < class TASK_TYPE, class MESSAGE_TYPE > (this intermediary lacks the template association with TASK_TYPE)
MultiReaderMutex_tA single writer, multiple reader mutex class
Mutex_tMutex class that avoids trips into the kernel until there's contention for the mutex
OutputStream_tGeneric output stream interface
OwnedBTree_t< T, K >Template binary tree class which, when deleted, deletes all the items in the tree as well
OwnedLinkedList_t< T >Template linked list class which, when deleted, deletes all the items in the list as well
OwnedList_t< T >Template list class which, when deleted, deletes all the items in the list as well
OwnedSortedList_t< T, K >Template sorted list class which, when deleted, deletes all the items in the list as well
Path_tClass to encapsulate a path to a file or directory and facilitate path operations
PathB_tClass to encapsulate a path to a file or directory and facilitate path operations, with a built-in PATH_MAX sized buffer
Point_tStruct representing a point in a 2 dimensional coordinate space
Polygon_tClass representing a polygon in a 2 dimensional coordinate space
PoolAllocator_tPool allocator implementation to minimize memory fragmentation
QuitResponseMessage_tMessage class used to return the response to a request for a message loop to quit
Rect_tStruct representing a rectangle in a 2 dimensional coordinate space
RefCountedString_tReference counted string which deletes itself when the reference count reaches zero
Region_tClass representing a region of non-overlapping rectangles, organized into horizontal stripes
Resource_tCross-platform resource loader
SimpleTypedBuffer_t< T >Template derivative of Buffer_t providing the same functionality but for template type T
SortedList_t< T, K >Template sorted list class, implemented as an array of sorted pointers to T
Status_tClass which encompasses a success or failure status across all error code value spaces
String_tString class which uses utf8 internally
Task_tObject representing a specific task which can be added to a MessageLoop_t and receive messages
Thread_tThread class
TimerExpiredMessage_tMessage indicating that a timer has expired
VersionInfo_tClass to retrieve version information about the application or shared library
View_tView object, which manages the display of a rectangular area in a window
Window_tWindow base class
WindowController_tWindow controller base class

Generated on Tue Dec 14 22:35:06 2010 for UT library by  doxygen 1.6.1